Moral Mondays returns to Raleigh, advocates and community members push for change

Moral Mondays returns to Raleigh, advocates and community members push for change

On Monday, faith leaders and community activists in Raleigh gathered together to push lawmakers to enact policies that center the demands of poor and low-wealth North Carolinians

The Moral Monday revival is part of a national movement leading up to a major march in the nation’s capital on June 18, the “Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington and To the Polls”.

Since the first Moral Monday march in 2013, North Carolinians from all walks of life have rallied together to push back against Republicans efforts towards cuts to education, rejection of Medicaid expansion, voting suppression, and lackluster labor rights.

Impacted North Carolinians and faith leaders have been advocating for increasing the minimum wage, protections for workers, and strengthening voting rights – with the Republican-led General Assembly repeatedly failing to address these longstanding unmet needs of communities across the state.

According to the Poor People’s Campaign, nearly half, or 44%, of North Carolinians are poor or low-income.

The Moral Monday movement revival comes as Republicans embrace a tax plan that would raise taxes on millions of Americans and eliminate social security, Medicare, and Medicaid – underscoring the GOP’s reluctance to support working Americans and seniors over protecting corporations and the ultra wealthy interests.

From the Moral Monday movement to casting our votes at the ballot box, together our communities can push back against these harmful policies, and signal that our collective power is stronger than their political power.
Find out more about The Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly & Moral March on Washington and to the Polls, and how to attend here.

Alanna Joyner

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