Republicans’ New Plan: Raise taxes on working people

Republicans’ New Plan: Raise taxes on working people

While millions of Americans are recovering from the financial hardships caused by the pandemic, Republicans are pushing forth a new tax plan that will raise taxes for everyone. 

Florida Senator Rick Scott, the head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, released an “11-point plan to rescue America” that included a proposal for all Americans to pay income tax.

  • The plan would also eliminate federal programs such as social security, Medicare, and Medicaid in the next five years – leaving millions of working Americans and seniors without health care, forcing them to pay more for the care they need.
  • According to an analysis, the plan would increase taxes on Americans by 40 percent – requiring low-income people and seniors to pay more.
  • “More than 80% of the tax increase would be paid by households making about $54,000 or less, and 97% would be paid by those making less than about $100,000,” according to The Tax Policy Center. “The lowest-income American households would pay an average of nearly $1,000 more in taxes in 2022”.

Republicans pushing forth policies that will squeeze working people, while continuing to protect corporations and the ultra wealthy, highlight how out of touch the GOP is. 

Their efforts to force seniors and working families to cough up more taxes while rich corporations skate free, stems from the same efforts to erase history from our children’s education, inadequately fund schools, attack vulnerable communities and suppress voters.

This tax plan reveals yet again that the GOP will continue to distract, divide and drown out resources from our communities, while avoiding accountability for their inability to address the real needs of their constituents.

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Alanna Joyner

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