Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson Tries to Reinvent His Abortion Position in Disingenuous New Ad

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson Tries to Reinvent His Abortion Position in Disingenuous New Ad

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson released an ad last week featuring him and his wife, Yolanda Hill Robinson, talking about their decision to get an abortion in 1989 and how difficult a decision it was.

The Robinsons, just like everyone else in this nation, should have access to safe, legal abortion care. Despite Robinson’s claim in the ad that he “stand[s] by our current law,” which is a 12-week ban on abortion, the truth is that there is over a decade of documented proof that he doesn’t support abortion at all, in any circumstances.

Robinson, since declaring his run for governor, has at times acted coy with his abortion stance, sometimes referring to it as “the a-word” and often refusing to address any questions or comments about it at all. That has changed over the past several weeks as his Democratic gubernatorial opponent, Attorney General Josh Stein, has hammered him over his views on reproductive rights in several damning ads.

Regardless of what Robinson claims is his current stance on abortion, we know for a fact that he believes life begins at conception, that “abortion is murder” “genocide,” and “shouldn’t ever happen” and that he would sign a total abortion ban with no exceptions as governor.

Robinson has also told pregnant women that “it’s not your body anymore” once they get pregnant and that he doesn’t support exceptions for rape and incest because “That’s not any of my concern, that’s Darwin.”

At an event in Pitt County back in February, Robinson told a constituent that he would “absolutely” protect life from conception and said that the 12-week ban is just the start.

“We’ve got to do it that same way they rolled it forward, we’ve got to do it the same way with rolling it back,” he said. “We’ve got it down to 12 weeks. The next goal is to get it down to 6, and then just keep moving from there.”

Robinson is trying to muddy the waters around his abortion position and it’s vital that we make it clear that’s exactly what he’s doing – he hasn’t had a change of heart, he hasn’t “softened” his stance, he doesn’t actually “stand by our current law.” 

Patrick Zarcone

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