Election season is just around the corner – don’t miss your chance to help stop the Project 2025 agenda

Election season is just around the corner – don’t miss your chance to help stop the Project 2025 agenda

It’s getting close to crunch time as Election Day is now less than two months away and the first presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and convicted criminal Donald Trump is just a few days away.

At this point, many voters have likely heard of the Project 2025 agenda, which is a right-wing Christian Nationalist U.S. government takeover plan put together by Donald Trump’s MAGA loyalists at the Heritage Foundation. What they might not know is how the plan will impact them personally. 

Center for American Progress (CAP) put together a fact sheet focused on Project 2025’s impact on North Carolinians.

Project 2025 is the right wing’s blueprint for creating an authoritarian government that will roll back decades of social progress while making the wealthy and big corporations even richer. The plan will affect everything from North Carolinians’ taxes, health care, reproductive rights, education and beyond.

Here are just some of the ways Project 2025 will harm North Carolinians, according to CAP’s research:

  • Taxes – Under the Project 2025 plan, the tax burden would move from the wealthy to the middle class. A typical family of four in our state would see a tax increase of $2,713 per year while the 45,000 households in the country that report more than $10 million in income would see an average annual tax cut of $1.5 million.
  • Health care – Around 911,500 North Carolinians enrolled in Medicaid would be at risk of losing coverage due to Project 2025’s proposed “limits or lifetime caps” on Medicaid benefits. The plan would also raise prescription drug prices for up to 662,600 residents here because the plan eliminates out-of-pocket Medicare drug cost limits.
  • Reproductive rights – Project 2025’s elimination of emergency contraception medications from free preventative care requirements would result in 1.56 million women in North Carolina losing guaranteed access to free emergency contraception. The plan would also call on the U.S. Department of Justice to enforce the Comstock Act to criminalize mailing medication abortion pills, which would essentially ban abortion in the U.S., even in states where it’s legal.
  • EducationJust like Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson and Republican state superintendent candidate Michele Morrow, Project 2025 calls for eliminating the U.S. Department of Education. It also calls for abolishing Title I, which provides funding to ensure that schools serving low-income students have additional resources to provide the quality education all children deserve. Ending Title 1 would eliminate 6,417 teaching positions, which currently serve nearly 100,000 students in North Carolina.

Project 2025 is the dream scenario for MAGA Republicans like Trump, Robinson, Morrow, Republican AG candidate Rep. Dan Bishop and Republican lieutenant governor candidate Hal Weatherman. Luckily for democracy, two months is still plenty of time to make sure our friends and family are informed about all the candidates on this fall’s ballot and that they all have a plan to vote against these extremists determined to take our state backward.

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Patrick Zarcone

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