Everyone who is registered to vote and cares about protecting our democracy, standing up for reproductive, civil and LGBTQ+ rights, supporting commonsense gun laws, fighting against the impacts of climate change, and ensuring our country has a strong middle class and that all Americans have opportunities to succeed should vote for Democrats up and down the ballot. The choice couldn’t be clearer.
Read MoreThis amendment intentionally creates division across communities, casts doubt on the integrity of our elections, and foments anti-immigration hate and racism.
Read MoreEarly voting is open now through Nov. 2 at 3 p.m. Remember, to vote early you don’t need to go to your Election Day polling place – you can vote early at any location in your county. And don’t forget your photo ID.
Read MoreThe rumors and conspiracy theories that are being spread on social media are actively hurting Helene response efforts in WNC and will have real-life consequences for people who buy into them.
Read MoreIt’s often a helpless feeling seeing people suffering, especially when it’s so close to home. While authorities are currently advising that no one travel to any of the impacted areas so that much-needed resources can be brought in as quickly as possible, there are still things we can do to help from a distance.
Read MoreMaurice “Mo” Green and Michele Morrow rarely agreed on the issues in their three previous debates and their latest one was no different. Morrow again tried portraying herself as an outsider with more “moderate” ideas. Green highlighted his experience, leadership and all the reasons why Morrow is uniquely unqualified for the job.
Read MoreMaya Angelou told us, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” In Mark Robinson’s case, the hateful person he’s been showing us since he came onto the political scene in 2018 was only a part of the hateful person he actually is.
Read MoreIn the recording, a woman asks Robinson why he changed his position on abortion to support the state’s 12-week ban. Robinson replied, “Do I want to continue to lower it? You better know it. I would love to get down to six weeks. And I’d like to get down to zero.”
Read MoreProject 2025, the right wing’s blueprint for creating an authoritarian government that will roll back decades of social progress, will affect everything from North Carolinians’ taxes, health care, reproductive rights, education and beyond.
Read MoreThe message is clear: We must stop radical Republicans like Mark Robinson and Michele Morrow from dragging our schools down and hurting our children’s future. We will have that opportunity this fall.
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