Reproductive Rights

Rewire: Amid Threats to ‘Roe,’ State Lawmakers Push to Protect Access to Abortion Care

By Eleanore Wood / January 24, 2018 / Comments Off on Rewire: Amid Threats to ‘Roe,’ State Lawmakers Push to Protect Access to Abortion Care

Monday, January 22 was the 45th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the court case that decided people would have access to the abortion care they need. While there has been significant progress in much of the United States, North Carolinians have even fewer rights today than they did on January 22, 1973. In North Carolina Medicaid cannot pay…

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The New York Times: The Women the Abortion War Leaves Out

By Eleanore Wood / January 17, 2018 / Comments Off on The New York Times: The Women the Abortion War Leaves Out

Those seeking abortion care often seek abortion for a variety of issues. These issues sometimes include homelessness, violence and addiction. Often one of the largest issues women seeking abortion care face is poverty. A study of 1,200 people who seek abortion care showed 73% of them saying that money was one of their biggest reasons for seeking…

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Reuters: Florida judge blocks abortion delay law, rules it unconstitutional

By Eleanore Wood / January 12, 2018 / Comments Off on Reuters: Florida judge blocks abortion delay law, rules it unconstitutional

On Tuesday a Florida judge ruled Florida’s 24-hour abortion wait period unconstitutional. North Carolina also has a law that requires you wait at least 24 hours before receiving abortion care. Wait periods restrict abortion access for many and ultimately hurt those seeking abortion care. There is no need to make people wait for an abortion.…

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Bustle: “How To Expand Reproductive Rights In America In 2018”

By Eleanore Wood / January 5, 2018 / Comments Off on Bustle: “How To Expand Reproductive Rights In America In 2018”

In 2017 the Trump administration made it clear they intend to limit women’s reproductive rights — by attempting to roll back the ACA’s birth control mandate and trying to block access to abortion care. Despite their constant attacks on reproductive rights, 645 bills were introduced in Washington DC to protect reproductive health rights and 86…

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Vice: When Thousands of Christian ‘Prayer Marchers’ Descend on One Abortion Clinic

By Eleanore Wood / December 15, 2017 / Comments Off on Vice: When Thousands of Christian ‘Prayer Marchers’ Descend on One Abortion Clinic

On Saturday, December 2, thousands of anti-abortion protesters marched down Latrobe Drive and blocked access to North Carolina’s busiest abortion clinic, A Preferred Women’s Health Center. The clinic saw almost 50 fewer patients than they typically see on a Saturday because people did not feel comfortable driving to the clinic with so many protesters outside.…

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Refinery 29: Trump Officially Backs Roy Moore For Senator, Despite The Child Molestation Allegations

By Eleanore Wood / December 7, 2017 / Comments Off on Refinery 29: Trump Officially Backs Roy Moore For Senator, Despite The Child Molestation Allegations

Several women have shared their stories of how Alabama Republican Senate Nominee Roy Moore sexually harassed them. Several of the women shared stories of his sexual advances on them when they were teenagers. Despite evidence such as Moore signing one woman’s high school yearbook, Moore vehemently denies all of the allegations. Following the accusations of…

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Rewire: Thousands Circle North Carolina’s Busiest Abortion Clinic as Anti-Choice Group Marches On

By Eleanore Wood / December 4, 2017 / Comments Off on Rewire: Thousands Circle North Carolina’s Busiest Abortion Clinic as Anti-Choice Group Marches On

Saturday, December 2, almost 1,500 anti-abortion protesters gathered in front of A Preferred Woman’s Health Center in Charlotte. This protest was planned to be the largest anti-abortion protest since the early 1990s. The clinic worked hard to prepare for the protesters by scheduling appointments earlier and doubling the number of clinic escorts outside of the…

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Huffington Post: Missouri’s New Waiting Period Law Is Already Driving Women To Seek Help Elsewhere

By Eleanore Wood / November 29, 2017 / Comments Off on Huffington Post: Missouri’s New Waiting Period Law Is Already Driving Women To Seek Help Elsewhere

In late October, a bill was passed in Missouri that requires women to attend a state-mandated counseling session three days before having an abortion. This is one of the longest waiting periods in the country. Because of this waiting period, and the lack of abortion clinics in Missouri, women seeking abortion care are being forced out…

Read More By the Numbers: Abortion in the US

By Eleanore Wood / November 17, 2017 / Comments Off on By the Numbers: Abortion in the US

Despite the passage of Roe v. Wade 44 years ago, there has been an unsettling number of abortion restrictions in the United States that show just how much we must keep fighting for affordable and accessible abortion care. There has been more than 1,140 abortion restrictions since Roe v. Wade, showing that despite abortion being…

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Bustle: Why We Need to Talk More about how Birth Control affects our Lives

By Eleanore Wood / November 15, 2017 / Comments Off on Bustle: Why We Need to Talk More about how Birth Control affects our Lives

November 15 is Thanks, Birth Control Day, a day to celebrate the advances birth control has made and a day to remind everyone how important birth control is. In 1972, the Supreme Court made birth control available for all women, and November 15 is a day to continue fighting for affordable and accessible birth control…

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