Our Take

Find out what is happenning and how together we can create change in North Carolina politics and the issues affecting our everyday lives.

Republican-led NCGA overrides 3 of Gov. Cooper’s vetoes; New laws include changes to campaign finance laws, mask ban targeting protesters

By Patrick Zarcone | June 28, 2024

Progress NC Action releases 2 new ads featuring Martin Luther King III speaking out against Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s extremism

By Patrick Zarcone | June 21, 2024

Anti-education zealot Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson joins extremist group Moms for Liberty as they hold advocacy day at NCGA

By Patrick Zarcone | June 14, 2024

NC Senate Republicans attach new proposal to controversial anti-masking bill to create a ‘money laundering scheme for Mark Robinson’

By Patrick Zarcone | June 7, 2024

After being the first president to get impeached twice, Donald Trump is now the first one to be convicted of a felony (34 of them…so far)

By Patrick Zarcone | May 31, 2024

F**k the haters: June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month!

By Patrick Zarcone | May 31, 2024

The UNC System Board of Governors – handpicked by the GOP – votes to repeal DEI policies at 17 system campuses

By Patrick Zarcone | May 24, 2024

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week and NC Republicans just passed a bill diverting taxpayer money from public schools to a private school voucher program

By Patrick Zarcone | May 11, 2024

Teacher Appreciation Week starts May 6: How to show your thanks to our teachers and tell Lt. Gov. Robinson we don’t need right-wing politics in our schools

By Patrick Zarcone | May 3, 2024

Gov. Roy Cooper releases 2024-25 budget proposal that calls for $1B+ for public schools, 8.5% raise for teachers

By Patrick Zarcone | May 3, 2024

Voices of
North Carolina

When we take the time to listen to each other, we often realize how much we have in common. Here are the stories of our neighbors and friends. North Carolinians want to live long, healthy lives and free from oppression. Together we can build a state where we can all thrive.

Working to hold elected officials and institutions accountable and responsive to North Carolinians.

We envision a North Carolina that consistently moves forward boldly and fearlessly, in upholding and enacting values that will make our state work for all of us.

Find out what is happening and how together we can create change in North Carolina and the issues affecting our everyday lives.

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    Voices of North Carolina

    When we take the time to listen to each other, we often realize how much we have in common. Here are the stories of our neighbors and friends. North Carolinians want to live long, healthy lives and free from oppression. Together we can build a state where we can all thrive.

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