In Case You Missed: It -Silent Sham payoff, voter ID ruling, Iran protests
In Case You Missed It is a weekly roundup of the most important news articles, editorials, and op-eds in North Carolina — so you can stay plugged in without having to scour a dozen different news sites each day.
Quote of the Week:
“This was so last-minute”
–April Shumard on Trump’s rushed deployment of the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg
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Top Headlines
- Student newspaper says secret negotiations leading to ‘Silent Sam’ deal broke NC law (WRAL-TV, 1/09)
What Happened: UNC-Chapel Hill’s Daily Tar Heel student newspaper, has sued the UNC Board of Governors over the Silent Sam bribe. The lawsuit alleges that the BOG violated the North Carolina Open Meetings Law by making secret deals with the white supremacist group behind closed doors without any public acknowledgement.
Why this Matters: The BOG should be reprimanded for giving hush money to a white supremacist group without North Carolinians awareness. The BOG violated a North Carolina law and should be questioned for their covert actions. - 2,500 Marines from Camp Lejeune redirected to Middle East (WITN, 1/08)
What Happened: Trump’s escalation in Iran has forced deployment for thousands of soldiers from both Fort Bragg and Camp Lejeune on short notice. Over 3,500 members of the 82nd Airborne Division shipped out to the Middle East earlier this week, while 2,500 Camp Lejeune Marines are being redirected to the Mediterranean Sea as tensions rise in the Middle East.
Why this Matters: Trump single-handedly created this conflict first by pulling out of the nuclear deal with Iran, and then by assassinating an Iranian official who was visiting Iraq without seeking congressional approval. Trump’s unprecedented belligerence has greatly damaged American interests in the Middle East, and is putting the lives of North Carolina soldiers at risk by trying to start a war with Iran. - Nearly 200 protest in downtown Raleigh over tensions with Iran (WRAL-TV, 1/09)
What Happened: Across the nation, Americans are protesting against Trump’s reckless attempts to start a war with Iran. Trump’s haphazard escalation prompted a short notice deployment of thousands of troops from North Carolina bases this week.
Why this Matters: North Carolinians are taking a stand by voicing their objections over another potential “forever war.” Trump’s actions reflect his indifference for military families, the American people, and the security of the nation. - NC appeal of voter photo ID ruling on hold until after March 3 primary (The Charlotte Post, 1/06)
What Happened: Attorney General Josh Stein’s office will not appeal the decision by U.S. District Court Judge Loretta Biggs, who ruled North Carolina’s voter ID law is racially biased against black and Latino voters. Stein will not appeal the law in time for the March 3 primaries to prevent confusion for North Carolina voters.
Why It Matters: Republicans have tried to give themselves unfair advantages when enacting suppressive voter laws to the detriment of communities across our state. As North Carolinians vote in the primaries, consideration of representatives that are responsive to their constituents and communities, not just special interest. - Settlement reached in coal ash case (Smoky Mountain News, 1/08)
What Happened: After years of toxic chemical leakage into North Carolina waterways, Duke Energy has finally agreed to pay the price for its misdoings to the public. Duke Energy has agreed to clean up nearly 80 million tons of coal ash at sites in North Carolina.
Why this Matters: Duke Energy’s carelessness has resulted in tons of toxic chemicals seeping into our rivers and groundwater. North Carolinians’ health should have been their utmost concern, rather than trying to pass cleanup costs on to customers.
Editorials and Op-Eds
- Dishonest leadership leaves our government mismanaged (CBC Opinion, 1/09)
What Happened: Trump’s management, behavior, and actions should be heavily questioned as security of the nation is on the forefront due to his quick irrational assassination of a high-profile Iraninan official. Constant threats, separatist language in his tweets, and an inability to understand the difference between fact and fiction, should make all voters question his leadership.
Why this Matters: Trump’s reign has brought not only separation, but aggression onto this nation. With his latest distraction — starting an illegal war in order to distract voters from the impeachment proceedings — Trump is putting thousands of troops and the nation in harm’s way. - Editorial slams Thom Tillis for Trump birthday card (Progressive Pulse, 1/07)
What Happened: Thom Tillis gleefully invited Americans to sign a birthday card for Eric Trump’s birthday. The party planner in question tweeted the invitation during a time of Trump’s killing of an Iraninan official and aggression in the Middle East.
Why this Matters: Instead of acknowledging the thousands of North Carolina soldiers being sent off to the Middle East or the ramifications of Trump’s actions towards Iran, Tillis has put priority in signing a birthday card.
- Work together to meet state’s critical 2020 health needs (CBC Opinion, 1/01)
What Happened: With no state budget, North Carolina’s Medicaid expansion is still in limbo, denying millions in health care coverage. Republican leaders’ negligence towards North Carolinians as they continue their budget stall, will leave under-served populations and thousands of patients relying on Medicare and Medicaid without support.
Why this Matters: North Carolinians deserve representatives that acknowledge communities that are in need of support and have access to care. Rural communities are suffering the most as the continued budget stalemate is resulting in hospitals shutting down due to lack of resources. - Five goals, perhaps wishful, for North Carolina to pursue in 2020 (Charlotte Observer, 1/05)
What Happened: The end of 2019 was marred by Republican leaders with their stalemate on the NC state budget and the Board of Governors bribing a white supremacist group. Our priorities for the new year should include public school funding, pushing for clean energy, Medicaid expansion, and holding leaders accountable.
Why this Matters: North Carolinians deserve representatives who will do the job we voted them in for. If they refuse, we should find new ones. - The most progressive state policy on HS transgender athletes can be found in … North Carolina? (News & Observer Editorial, 1/09)
What Happened: The North Carolina High School Athletic Association’s policy on transgender athletes is the most progressive in the nation. As other states with Republican-lead legislatures draft bills preventing transgender athletes from participating, North Carolina’s 2019 policy allows participation in athletics “regardless of gender or gender identification.”
Why this Matters: Despite the passage of the highly discriminatory House Bill 2 by Pat McCrory, North Carolinians fought to allow transgender people to have equal rights, and are continuing to fight for equal opportunities across the board. Representatives need to stand with North Carolinians and advocate for equal protections, rights, and opportunities for all.

Source: Dennis Draughon, Capitol Broadcasting
Posted in Human Rights, ICYMI