Early Voting for the 2020 General Election Begins October. 15
North Carolina’s early voting period for the 2020 general election kicks off Thursday Oct. 15 and runs through Oct. 31. Early voting sites can be found on the State Board of Elections’ website.
During the early voting period from Oct. 15 to Oct.31, eligible individuals can register and vote on the same day if you missed the Oct. 9 voter registration deadline. Make sure you show up with either a photo ID OR a utility bill, bank statement or paycheck with your name and current address on it. To find your nearest polling location go to ncsbe.gov.
- Early voting sites will enforce six feet of social distancing as you wait in line and will have hand sanitizer and masks for voters if you forgot to bring your own.
- If your county hand-marks paper ballots, there will be single-use pens, and Q-tips for those who use ballot-marking devices, according to the BOE.
You can also hand deliver your absentee ballot in-person at any early voting site in your county during early voting hours, or your county board of elections office when it is open and staffed, by 5:00pm on Election Day. Find more information here.
If you forget to early vote, you can go vote in-person on Election Day, Nov. 3, at your precinct. The same safety precautions against COVID-19 will be in place. You can look up your Election Day polling place here: vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/.
Remember, you do not need a photo ID to vote in the 2020 election.
For more information:
- Visit ncvoter.org
- Call the voter protection hotline at 1-888-OUR-VOTE. For Spanish/English: 888-Ve-Y-VOTA.