
Lee County Residents Unanimously Oppose Coal Ash Dumping

By Eleanore Wood / November 18, 2014 / Comments Off on Lee County Residents Unanimously Oppose Coal Ash Dumping

Lee County Residents Unanimously Oppose Coal Ash Dumping 0 Comment(s) | Posted November 18, 2014 | Environment At a public meeting last night in Lee County, residents voiced their overwhelming disapproval for a Duke Energy plan to dump coal ash in Lee County. Of the thirty people who spoke during public comment, not a single one supported the Duke Energy…

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Only Scientist On The Coal Ash Commission Is A Global Warming Denier

By Eleanore Wood / November 14, 2014 / Comments Off on Only Scientist On The Coal Ash Commission Is A Global Warming Denier

First we found out at the Coal Ash Management Commission is already planning for rate increases to pay for the coal ash mess that Duke Energy created. Now we’re learning that Governor McCrory’s appointee for the only position on the commission reserved specifically for someone with a science background doesn’t believe in global warming. In fact, he…

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Lee County Residents Unanimously Oppose Coal Ash Dumping

By Eleanore Wood / January 18, 2014 / Comments Off on Lee County Residents Unanimously Oppose Coal Ash Dumping

At a public meeting last night in Lee County, residents voiced their overwhelming disapproval for a Duke Energy plan to dump coal ash in Lee County. Of the thirty people who spoke during public comment, not a single one supported the Duke Energy plan. From WRAL’s story, If the comments made during a meeting inside the…

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Did Duke Energy Leave ALEC?

By Eleanore Wood / December 9, 2013 / Comments Off on Did Duke Energy Leave ALEC?

North Carolina Rate-Payers Deserve A Clear Answer & Spotlight on The Facts CHARLOTTE—According to recently leaked documents published by The Guardian, Duke Energy has let its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) lapse in the past year. ALEC is a shadowy-corporate lobby group fronting as a charitable non-profit. Essentially ALEC is a speed-dating service which marries corporate lobbyists with…

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