The GOP’s Gerrymandering Lies

The GOP’s Gerrymandering Lies

New court filings by Common Cause of North Carolina accuse Republican state lawmakers of lying in federal court about the existence of updated redistricting maps so the GOP could avoid a special election in 2017 after their districts were ruled as racially gerrymandered.

It’s one more proof-point in the NC-GOP’s ongoing attack on our democracy. First, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Republicans racially gerrymandered legislative districts to dilute the voice of black voters. Now there’s evidence that key Republicans lied in federal court to avoid facing voters in a special election in 2017 that never happened but could have and should have happened. A 2017 special election would have threatened the GOP’s super-majorities. Instead, voters had to wait until 2018 to finally reject the GOP’s super-majorities which were built on unconstitutional racially gerrymandered maps that discriminated against people of color.

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Eleanore Wood

Digital Director

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