Trump returns to stage with speech at North Carolina GOP convention

Trump returns to stage with speech at North Carolina GOP convention

Donald Trump returned to the stage on Saturday night, delivering a speech at the North Carolina Republican Party State Convention in Greenville, furthering his long exhausted list of false claims about the 2020 election and divisive rhetoric that was echoed by other NC Republicans

Trump, who was twice-impeached and incited a violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, spent much of his speech focused on doubling down on his disastrous record and dodging accountability rather than offering an agenda for the GOP that goes beyond increasing personal power and wealth. 

This stands in stark contrast to efforts by President Biden, Governor Roy Cooper and North Carolina Democrats in Congress who have prioritized the recovery of our communities and economy amid the pandemic.

Throughout the pandemic, Republicans refused to prevent and provide real relief for this pandemic – leaving millions of us grieving loved ones and struggling to make ends meet, while they spread lies about our election in a desperate attempt to hold onto power they do not deserve.

Through the Republican convention on Saturday, NC Republicans made it all too clear that they will continue to fall in line with Republicans across the country in surrendering itself to Donald Trump — focusing on echoing Trump’s false claims and voting for their own interests over delivering to North Carolina families and businesses

Bottom Line

Let’s be clear: When families, communities and small businesses desperately needed financial relief during a public health crisis, Republicans voted against helping the people

When communities demanded for justice, protections and ensuring that every eligible person has full access to their constitutional right to vote, Republicans pushed for bills that harm, strip away protections and undermine our constitutional rights.

Our communities’ push for change and recovery from the pandemic will not be due to Republicans efforts, but in response to Gov. Roy Cooper, Democrats and the Biden-Harris administration stepping up and putting the people first.

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Alanna Joyner

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