Wednesday, the Constitution and Civil Justice subcommittee held a hearing regarding the Heartbeat Protection Act, an act that would effectively ban all abortions after 6 weeks. This bill would ban abortions once a heartbeat is detected, which thanks to modern technology, is often at 6 weeks. Many women don’t even know they’re pregnant at 6…
Read MoreRepublicans in Raleigh are continuing to try to stall the redrawing of legislative maps. The latest attempt was to ask the courts to let them try again. They didn’t want an impartial special master appointed by the courts to redraw the maps, fearing the maps might actually be fair. The court told them they had…
Read MoreThe EPA has found high concentrations of GenX and other chemicals 100 miles upriver from Wilmington. This report caused yet another order to stop the chemical dump by polluters. The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality yet again ordered the company to stop dumping pollutants into the water or risk losing their permits. This demonstrates exactly…
Read MoreWednesday, November 1, Congress is hearing the Heartbeat Protection Act which would ban abortions after a heartbeat is detected–effectively banning abortion at six weeks. Many women don’t even know they’re pregnant at six weeks. The House passed a bill in October that bans abortion at 20 weeks, so GOP leaders are wanting to follow their momentum…
Read MoreThe Republicans in Raleigh have repeatedly sought to suppress the voters who disagree with them, and the courts have held them accountable. Losing case after case Republican leaders are now trying to take over the court system. This judicial meddling is nothing more than another power grab. The clear message is: if we don’t like…
Read MoreRepublicans in Raleigh just won’t let go of the same voter suppression tactics they have been using for years to secure their power. After the Supreme Court ruled that the legislative maps in North Carolina were unconstitutional Republican legislators redrew the maps, which are just more of the same unfair tactics. Now the federal judges who…
Read MoreIn January House Republicans introduced the Heartbeat Protection Act, which will be heard on November 1. This act would ban abortion after a heartbeat is detectable, which is often at 6 weeks. Since many women don’t even know they are pregnant before 6 weeks, this would effectively ban most abortions. It would also send physicians…
Read MoreCustomers should not be paying for Duke’s coal ash disaster. This week brings good news for North Carolina citizens. The North Carolina utility customer advocate disagrees with Duke Energy’s proposed rate hike. Instead of a 14% hike, advocate Chis Ayers recommends a hike less than a tenth of a percent. This certainly speaks volumes about Duke’s…
Read MoreFor years Republicans in Raleigh have been slashing the budgets of environmental agencies. They will not admit that their huge cuts have caused people in North Carolina to suffer. They have only offered band aid solutions that don’t fix the problem at it’s source. Governor Cooper requested $2.6 million in restored funding for watchdog agencies…
Read MoreIt’s clear that Republican legislators in Raleigh are seeking to gain power over the courts by gerrymandering Democratic leaning districts. In Buncombe county this rigging of the system is obvious. If they control the courts by politicizing them, and gerrymander the districts they can subvert any districts that don’t align with their political ideology. Canceling…
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