Eleanore Wood
Duke Energy is once again responsible for a spill of toxic coal ash into North Carolina’s waterways. Our lawmakers have been soft on Duke and even allowed them to charge their customers to clean up their toxic mess. It’s time the politicians protected the health of the people and hold corporate polluters accountable to clean…
Read MoreInstead of protecting the people of North Carolina from contaminated water, NC lawmakers are protecting the profits of a multi-billion dollar Chinese corporation. They continue to allow the cheap and unsafe practices of open hog waste lagoons. Why? Because Smithfield Foods donates to their campaigns. The politicians in Raleigh could force the company to put…
Read MoreInstead of protecting the people of North Carolina from contaminated water, NC lawmakers are protecting the profits of a multi-billion dollar Chinese corporation. They continue to allow the cheap and unsafe practices of open hog waste lagoons. Why? Because Smithfield Foods donates to their campaigns. The politicians in Raleigh could force the company to put…
Read MoreLate night host Stephen Colbert said it best when he said: “If your science gives you a result you don’t like, pass a law saying the result is illegal. Problem solved. Bravo North Carolina.” But the problem is far from solved for the people of North Carolina’s coastal communities. NC’s Republican leaders wanted to protect…
Read MoreThe lawmakers in Raleigh want us to believe they are properly funding our public schools and treating our teachers with respect. Educators across the state know that isn’t true. Classroom funding in our state has been cut by 55% in the last ten years when adjusting for inflation and enrollment. Teachers across the state are…
Read MoreThe U.S. Attorney for North Carolina issued a massive subpoena on behalf of federal immigration authorities to 44 county elections boards in eastern North Carolina. The subpoena demanded five years’ worth of voting records, including ballots which can be traced back to individual voters. Thankfully the State Board of Elections and Attorney General Josh Stein…
Read MoreThe six proposed constitutional amendments are purposely vaguely written. Most of them do not have any “qualifying language” which means they aren’t written yet. If these amendments are passed it gives our current legislators (not the ones you elect this fall) a “blank check” to write into our constitution anything they want. The Republican-led General…
Read MoreThe constitutional amendments that will be on the ballot in November are either unnecessary or very damaging to North Carolina’s democracy. Republicans in Raleigh seek to cement their power by making it harder to vote, taking away the governor’s powers, and gaining power over our courts. Their plans have consistently been struck down by the…
Read MoreEmily Donovan, a resident of Brunswick County, NC traveled to Washington DC to plead with our government to study and regulate the chemicals that are being released into the drinking water of her town. Citing family and friends that have all become ill including her own husband, she passionately demanded that lawmakers do something to…
Read MoreNorth Carolina has reached a new low. Competitive pay for teachers is 49th in the nation. According to the Economic Policy Institute, teacher pay in North Carolina is a whopping 35.5 percent behind pay for other college graduates in the state. The politicians in Raleigh keep touting how well they are doing for public school…
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