Legislators in Raleigh have had unconstitutional bill after unconstitutional bill struck down by the courts. Their answer is to try to take over the courts and appoint judges themselves in order to pass their extreme agenda without interference. Judges from both parties are speaking out against this undemocratic idea. It’s time our legislature stop this attack on…
Read MoreThe people of North Carolina know that an independent judiciary and fair elections are the keys to our democracy. Politicians in Raleigh have been enacting unconstitutional laws attempting to suppress the votes of young and African American voters. When those are struck down by the courts they decided to try to rig the courts in…
Read MoreFor a functional democracy, we must have an independent judiciary. Lawmakers in Raleigh have had their unconstitutional laws struck down by courts over and over again. Their solution to this problem is not to stop passing unfair and unconstitutional laws. Their solution is to take over the court and rig the system so they can pass…
Read MoreNorth Carolina Republicans are constantly trying to rig the system in their favor. They unconstitutionally gerrymandered both state and congressional voting districts. Passed unconstitutional voter suppression laws. Are attempting to take over the courts. And now it has come to light that they used protected personal data from Facebook to manipulate the vote and stack the deck…
Read MorePoliticians in Raleigh are trying to rig the North Carolina courts by doing away with the election of judges. Lawmakers in North Carolina continue to pass unconstitutional laws that consistently get struck down by the courts. Their solution? Cherry-pick judges for the bench who will support their extreme agenda. This isn’t democratic and does away…
Read MoreDemocracy in North Carolina is under attack by the GOP. Since 2011 Republicans have tried to seize control of all branches of government. They have employed unconstitutional extreme partisan and racial gerrymandering to secure their positions effectively chosing their voters rather than allowing voters to choose their representatives. They have tried to suppress voters by…
Read MoreFor years the Republican-led General Assembly has been trying to take control of the courts. They made judicial elections partisan. They canceled the primary election for judges. And, most recently, have attempted to gerrymander the judicial districts and even do away with the election of judges altogether. North Carolinians made it clear how they felt…
Read MoreRepublicans in Raleigh are up to their old tricks again. A special session will begin with no agenda. It’s possible they could vote to rig the courts in their favor. They may make it easier for polluters to poison the water. They may do nothing of consequence. Democrats and the public have been kept completely…
Read MoreRepublicans in Raleigh have inserted party politics into our judicial system by making elections partisan. Now they present new district maps which are intended to give the GOP power over the courts. These new maps intentionally reduce the number of African American judges in North Carolina and are more of the same extreme partisan gerrymandering that continues to get…
Read MoreLast week the NC House unanimously passed legislation that would have allocated 2.3 million dollars to address the growing GenX pollution problem in North Carolina. Senate leader Phil Berger has vowed that this bi-partisan bill would not make it to the Senate. Meanwhile, as Senator Berger scoffs people in North Carolina cannot drink their water. It’s crystal…
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