Politics As Usual

Emotions run high at a public hearing over Duke Energy rate hike request

By Alanna Joyner / February 3, 2020 / Comments Off on Emotions run high at a public hearing over Duke Energy rate hike request

Last Friday marked the first of several public hearings in Alamance County over the potential Duke Energy rate hike request. Numerous residents spoke out against the rate increase — emphasizing the financial hardships that Duke Energy’s rate increase would cause. If Duke has its way, ratepayers’ bills would go up by 6.8 percent — essentially…

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News & Observer: Sens. Burr and Tillis vote against calling witnesses at Trump impeachment trial

By Alanna Joyner / February 3, 2020 /

North Carolina’s U.S. Senators Richard Burr and Thom Tillis chose party over country on Friday evening, voting with their Republican colleagues to block the Senate from calling witnesses in the impeachment trial. The final vote of 51-49 with Republicans Susan Collins of Maine and Mitt Romney of Utah joining 47 Democrats and independents, cleared way…

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WRAL: Campaign finance complaint filed against Sons of Confederate Veterans

By Alanna Joyner / January 24, 2020 / Comments Off on WRAL: Campaign finance complaint filed against Sons of Confederate Veterans

On Wednesday, Bob Hall, a citizen watchdog, asked the State Board of Elections to investigate and discontinue the NC Heritage PAC, a political action committee connected to the NC Division of the Sons of Confederate Veteran.  Hall filed a complaint alleging that the SCV illegally financed the NC Heritage PAC that gave donations to individuals…

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WRAL: Growing number of conservative local leaders want Medicaid expanded in NC

By Alanna Joyner / January 16, 2020 / Comments Off on WRAL: Growing number of conservative local leaders want Medicaid expanded in NC

NC’s Republican-controlled state legislature remains calcified in its opposition to expanded Medicaid, which would bring down healthcare costs for everyone, even those with private health insurance.  But a growing number of conservatives are calling on lawmakers to finally allow expansion. From WRAL: “We believe we have a responsibility to look after our citizens. It’s a…

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Will NC lawmakers play politics or pay teachers in 2020?

By Logan Smith / January 14, 2020 / Comments Off on Will NC lawmakers play politics or pay teachers in 2020?

GOP budget standoff continues with lawmakers returning to Raleigh, as yet another red state expands Medicaid RALEIGH — North Carolina lawmakers are returning to Raleigh this week for a so-called “mini-session” amidst the budget standoff which legislative Republicans have been waging since last summer.  Although the legislature’s paltry pay plan for state educators is expected to be…

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Raleigh N&O: Kansas is expanding Medicaid. What’s the matter with North Carolina?

By Alanna Joyner / January 12, 2020 / Comments Off on Raleigh N&O: Kansas is expanding Medicaid. What’s the matter with North Carolina?

The North Carolina General Assembly convenes on Tuesday for a so-called “mini-session” amidst the budget standoff waged by legislative Republicans since last summer. Meanwhile, the health care spotlight is heating up on North Carolina Republicans as yet another red state — this time Kansas — has decided to expand Medicaid. From The News & Observer:…

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Trump trying to start a war with Iran to distract from impeachment troubles

By Eleanore Wood / January 8, 2020 / Comments Off on Trump trying to start a war with Iran to distract from impeachment troubles

The Trump administration is hell-bent on starting a war with Iran, and North Carolina military families are caught right in the middle. 3,500 soldiers based at Fort Bragg are being sent to the Middle East — part of the rising tensions with Iran created by Trump’s unilateral assassination of an Iranian official. Some military families…

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Questions abound over Phil Berger’s shady campaign-funded mortgage

By Logan Smith / November 19, 2019 / Comments Off on Questions abound over Phil Berger’s shady campaign-funded mortgage

A North Carolina Republican lawmaker doing something unethical? Say it ain’t so! Senate leader Phil Berger continues to face statewide criticism for using campaign cash to pay the mortgage on his Raleigh townhome. Berger claims the State Board of Elections has twice approved the mortgage payments, but that doesn’t make it okay for Berger to…

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Top Republican in NC Senate Using Political Donors to Pay for His Personal Downtown Raleigh Townhome Investment

By Eleanore Wood / November 11, 2019 / Comments Off on Top Republican in NC Senate Using Political Donors to Pay for His Personal Downtown Raleigh Townhome Investment

Senate President Phil Berger (R-Rockingham Co.) is defending himself against a State Board of Elections complaint filed against him which exposes how Berger has been using political campaign contributions to pay the mortgage on his Raleigh townhome. Berger claims the SBE has twice approved his campaign making the regular mortgage payments. But only Berger and another…

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Tim Moore’s latest conflict of interest

By Logan Smith / October 14, 2019 / Comments Off on Tim Moore’s latest conflict of interest

Source: Dennis Draughon, Capitol Broadcasting House Speaker Tim Moore is no stranger to corrupt deals and conflicts of interest. Well, it’s time to add one more to the list. In his capacity as House Speaker, Moore is currently overseeing legislation that would let Duke Energy raise rates on consumers. In his capacity as an attorney, Moore is…

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